Wednesday 21 March 2018

1st Draft Of Review

1 comment:

  1. WWW:
    - Some consistency in colour scheme
    - Some understanding of conventions

    - The font that you have used for the magazine name and page numbers is not very clear - consider using a different font that is much more legible
    - The review does not look like a review - ensure that the centrefold is much clearer so that we can see this is two pages
    - The film name should be much more bold, larger and placed at the top of the page, the strapline should be placed under it and be the same style of font used in the text. The word 'whilst' should be placed after the word suffer
    - The film information should be placed into an outlined box or sectioned off from the rest of the text and should be placed just about the first column
    - The star rating should either be placed underneath your verdict or the film name and strapline
    - The margins around the egdes of the page should be the same width all the way round to keep it neat
    - The second image that you have used is random - can you use an image which fits more with the content of the review instead? You are also missing captions on your images
    - Your second paragraph should not start so low down the page - think about how you can shift all of this text up. You also have some SPAG errors here 'al', apostrophe missing in 'aren't', hyphen missing 'not-so', fpr'
    - You should refer to it as a 'film' not a movie
    - The font in the third paragraph is not well aligned and is again far too stretched - make sure that the text is consistently the same size and spaced symmetrically in every column and paragraph
    - The word 'flop' at the bottom of the page does not fit with the rest of the review - could this be removed and could you add to the verdict instead? Explain why the film is not worth watching and why you would not recommend it? Perhaps you could also add a prompt here to get readers to have their say online?
